Tag Archive for: Life Cycle – Startup
Leadership is one of the many buzzwords used in business today. Yet, when you challenge someone to define what they call leadership, often there is nothing but silence. When you look around the world at some of our pronounced leaders, leadership is perhaps the last word you would use to describe them. Unfortunately, this is also very true in many business operations. As individuals, business owners, business coaches, employers and employees, we have a collective responsibility to define leadership for our collective benefit.
Characteristics of successful leadership
From my experience in small, medium and corporate businesses, the best leaders I … Read More
Cash is critically important for business, with many operators finding that periods after holidays or short trading months can be extra tough on the cash front.
Staff leave payments, a short close down, penalty rates for public holidays, slow debtor collections or even extra stock holdings, will all have drained cash from your business.
So, if you have returned to work after a short break with a bit of a “cash hangover”, here is some practical actions which can stimulate some extra cashflow.
Product/Service Special
This can be one of your normal services, or perhaps a package of a few … Read More
Who are your customers & what do they want from you?
These are two simple questions which many businesses struggle to be able to define.
If you don’t know who your customer is, then it is impossible for you to maximise your business potential, because you won’t fully understand their needs and you could be leaving sales opportunities on the table.
Even worse, if you don’t understand your customer type, then you are oblivious to the fact that they may be on the path to extinction – which means….that your business may only be a few steps behind.… Read More
Businesses are not static beasts, they change and evolve over time – and as they do, their needs vary. By understanding the different life-cycle phases of a business, owners have the ability to position themselves differently and focus on different facets which will drive enhanced returns.
Broadly, there are 5 distinct life-cycle stages;
- Start-Up
- Growth
- Established / Expansion
- Mature
- Exit
All of these naturally share some characteristics, but each life-cycle has its own identity.
It starts with an idea and then a business is born. The barriers to starting a business are pretty low, so many businesses start … Read More
There is a gold mine of new opportunity in your existing client base – you simply need to know where to look.
Business is very much about sustainability – the sustainability of new client opportunities/leads along with good sustained profit and cash flow. Drawing these together makes for a very profitable business operation in the short term, and fosters strong enterprise/business value over the longer term.
So, how do you tap into this sustainable flow of new opportunities?
One way, is via referrals from your existing client base.
Referrals from people who already know and value what you do … Read More
As we take the run into Christmas, most business are focused on getting things finished so they can wind down for a bit of R ’n‘ R over the Christmas & New Year period. Naturally, those in Retail are still geared up until after the post Christmas sales and Hospitality, will run hard until the holidays finish, but….there is another group who are gearing up for a busy holiday season.
This group, would officially be on the “naughty list”, as this group have only one objective – to rob you.
What’s normally left off the pre-Christmas “to do … Read More
In business, the humble phone is such an important tool – yet many business owners will not dial a prospect or debtor. The reasons for this span from; a simple lack of purpose, through to a real phobia or fear, however the outcome is the same – the call is not made – and this is what costs business.
For the bulk of people, the avoidance of making critical phone calls can be overcome by following some practical steps along with some honest perseverance. For the smaller group who still find issues, then face into the issue and seek some … Read More
A well designed brochure will stack the “sales” deck in you favour and drive deeper profit returns. When you are selling, you want your prospect to see as much compelling and relevant information as possible, to both provide critical product/service information and to support your sales process.
Brochures come in many shapes and forms, with some aimed at marketing, some at selling and a number which are a hybrid and sit in between. Regardless of the use, there are 10 elements which need to be considered to make your brochure an effective profit making tool;
Consider how
I want to run my own business, so now what?
I’ve heard this line on many occasions over the years. Bright eyed and highly energised potential business owners with a concept for a business that they want to run. Of course, as every experienced business owner will tell you, it’s actually not that simple to run a business – successfully and profitable. There are many pitfalls and in most cases – you need to spend a few dollars before you can turn a dollar.
For those serious about setting up a business for long term success – this article … Read More
Selling is about showing your customer in a convincing way, that your product (or service) is worth the value you are asking and….. that it meets their need or desire. Naturally, this point is not rocket science, albeit the way in which you show them or prove up the value of your product can have many layers of skill to it.
Over many years of working in a sales environment, we have noted that the vast majority of customers are visual in the way in which they assess the value of a product. What this means is that when … Read More
Being seen as “small” can cost you business.
That’s not saying that the service or the quality of a small business product is poor – (often it is the exact opposite), but a common perception encountered by small business is that “big” is better or safer. In a world where you are competing with “the bigger guy”, then this perception can easily cost you business – especially in the initial marketing phase.
So the answer is simple…… don’t “look” small!
In my varied dealings with business over the years, I have noted that there are 7 indicators which signal… Read More
The web site of today is like the business card of 20 years ago – no serious business would be without one. It provides your name and contact number, but is also a window into the business, with your design, logo and flair. As with a business card, you can tell a lot about a business with even a quick look at their web site – but…as with business cards, not all web sites were born equal.
Regrettably, some of these sites have never successfully “drawn breath” and have either been a pure cost to the business, or have … Read More
Businesses with strong consistent sales, typically are the same ones who have a deep prospect pipeline. Regardless of the type of business or product, those who have the depth of opportunity in their sales pipeline, are also the ones who have less stress and typically better margins.
When you only have one or two prospects in your sales pipeline, there is the pressure to progress those opportunities quickly – perhaps with even a level of desperation. Whether these opportunities are ready or worthy – they are still progressed.
I have often used the analogy and comparison of a sales … Read More
Cash is one of the top few stress triggers for business. Not having enough, not knowing where it will come from, or simply….. a puzzle around the best way to use it. In a physical situation – cash is pretty well understood, but when it hits the virtual, electronic or theoretical – I find that eyes start to glaze.
Much of this reaction is directly attributable to a lack of understanding of the information available.
Financial accounts are “rear-facing” – meaning that they only show you what has happened. This is good value for sure – … Read More
If you admire gadgets or clever design, then you will most likely have one of those nifty little tools’ which have dozens of attachments enabling you to; cut, bend, clamp, squash, saw or sew. They come in a range of colours and sizes, from pink micro versions to hang off your keys to the bulkier silver numbers designed for a holster on your belt….but….have you ever considered the value of the super thin plastic version?
Perhaps one of the smartest (and most common) multi-tools on the market for business is the 2.8mm thick plastic credit card you are carrying … Read More
Christmas Day has been and gone and New Years is settling in, but when you sit back in the comfy chair – wherever that may be, on the beach, by the water, camping or even just at home……now is the time to take a quick “stocktake” of the year that has past.
For those in business, often there is little respite as you run from one; sale, job, project, customer, site, state, transaction, employee, etc…..to another.
So when you consider the following – think to the positive as well as the negative, and give yourself a pat on … Read More
With just on a week to Christmas, businesses are generally finalising last minute sales, delivering product orders, sorting through end of month accounts, preparing for New Year sales, confirming the staff leave roster, and even…. finalising the details for a staff Christmas break-up!
What’s normally left off the pre-Christmas “to do list” is security – physical and virtual.
Make no mistake, thieves will NOT be taking a holiday over the festive season – in fact, they will be working hard exploiting the combination of business closures and peak retail activity.
The risks to business vary significantly accordingly to industry, but … Read More
To run a business efficiently and profitability takes more than just luck. In addition to having a good service or product, successful businesses typically have a strong management information framework in place to ensure all of the critical elements of the business are running correctly.
I often liken this information to the dashboard instruments in a car – where you have a range of information to let you know how you are travelling and the condition of the car. A good management information pack does the same for a business.
Every business has “key elements” in it … Read More
With countless business finance products in the market – is can be daunting for some businesses to decide which option to choose. The frequently asked question is “which one should I take?”, so to take some of the pain out of this point – we have provided 5 simple steps for better Business Financing.
To start, it’s not so much a case of which product you should take, it’s more a question of which one do you need and realistically, what is available.
Finance facilities should match the need, otherwise you run the risk of additional cost or … Read More
Business trend analysis is a serious analytical technique used in countless different forms of analysis. Yet for most business owners, finding the time to complete a simple Sudoku puzzle is hard enough – let alone undertake any form of formal business review.
My point – and the point of this article, is that if you do have the time to complete a simple Sudoku puzzle, then you also have the ability to transfer some Sudoku disciplines into a more effective business management process.
Skeptical? – read on for a few minutes and then I’m happy for you to … Read More
In a world where speed appears to be everything, often the compromise that is made is to take the generic or easy option. This has become so common in business, that the generic option is often the only one put forward – whereas there is generally many ways to skin a cat.
Now whilst I have no issue with a simple, cheap option when you can get it – the critical point is ensuring that it’s the right option.
When you are next looking for a solution to a problem or need – pause for a moment to … Read More
We have all had them, the “business epiphanies” or “golden ideas” which come to us over the weekend whilst swinging a golf club, doing laps in the pool or just mowing the grass. In the moment….. these new product or service ideas are the perfect combination of simplicity, profitability and marketing brilliance.
By Monday morning these moments of creative thinking have….started to tarnish….with some more considered thought seeing a gap or two appear. By Wednesday, most of these ideas have been discounted and by Friday, are all but forgotten.
Would we have been better off not having … Read More
In business, communicating your “close” line for impact is often a crucial factor in success or failure.
The right timing for a marketing advance, to lodge a finance application or even enter a queue……all appear to have timing influencing the outcome.
The reality is that there are a number of factors at play, however good preparation is able to guide you to the right time for optimal success.
There is no better example of this than the right timing in either dispute resolution or negotiations. Preparation to ensure that you pitch your point at the right time – … Read More
It’s that moment where you are sitting amongst a pile of information – numbers, graphs, returns, production numbers, stock levels, customer surveys…….all with seemingly important information……but what does it all mean……what information should I use to run my business?
These are the questions which are being raised more and more with the rise of technology, as we tend to have an unending supply of data and reports available. The secret to all of this is to understand what material is relevant to the business operations and then, to understand what the information is telling you. From this point, it’s … Read More
How many times have heard the immortal catch cry, “I don’t have enough time” and then….the more scary question – how many times have you been the one to utter it?
The lack of time is really the combination of our perception and tolerance. Perception, because busy is how we see our collection of activities – for some, 8 hours of engagements is very busy, yet for others they are wondering what you going to do with the other 2/3rds of the day. For those who immediately thought of “work” when I said “8 hours of engagements” – … Read More
A well-used line in business – and for good reason, as without cash (or cashflow) in a business, it delivers the same result as a having a body without blood – SUDDEN DEATH!
I have seen mortally wounded businesses survive, simply because they had sufficient cashflow coming in the door to provide options. In some cases, the key objective was purely the opportunity to open the door again tomorrow.
There are a variety of ways to look after your cashflow – BUT FOR THIS POST we will cover one of the most fundamental and important cashflow aspects – … Read More
Finance has shown me many things over time, but perhaps one of the more powerful concepts is “profit versus turnover”. For the golfers out there, I liken this to “driving for show VERSUS putting for dough“.
Underlying profitability and the associated free cash available for debt servicing are focal points for a Banker with any finance proposal – as this shows whether there is the expected ability to repay the loan within the proposed terms. The simple “revenue line” however, whilst interesting for trend and margin analysis, by itself – does little to prove debt servicing ability.
This … Read More
You would not skydive without a parachute, so don’t do business without these.
From a banking perspective, every business should have these 10 items in their kit bag to either save, make or protect money – whilst maximising their banking relationship.
Assess whether your business has these as you go (Yes/No responses) and be honest – pass/fail thresholds are at the end.
- a contact (or preferably three) at their bank. When you need assistance, you need to be able to quickly bypass the web and IVR tools and speak to a real person. For a deeper understanding on
Often the objective of most businesses is SALES GROWTH, but it comes at a cost…. so the real question is – how growth ready is your business?
A basic principle of business is to generate sales (product or services) to return a profit. The natural flow on from this is to generate more sales to achieve a greater profit – but…what does this take and how prepared is your business for growth?
Listed below are five key ingredients required for successful sales growth;
Increasing sales invariably requires more of your personnel, whether it be in the creation, … Read More
Whether it be in sport or business, the difference between success and failure can often be simply doing one more thing than the competition. The extra phone call, one more prototype, another sales approach, an additional quality check, a larger focus group, an extra tier of service etc etc…..any of these can be the secret ingredient to business success.
A few qualifiers;
– know your competition as this will provide some form of benchmark. This is not to say that your competition is setting the right pace, but as a minimum it provides a starting point.
– work from … Read More
Many business owners are time poor and simply don’t find the time to read the more comprehensive articles. So if you are looking for a bunch of potent tips for your business – then this short article is for you.
Aptly named the 10 Commandments of Business, these are 10 activities which will add bottom line value to every business.
Thou shalt…
- … plan for the business. This should be aligned to a clear vision of what the business is seeking to achieve, along with its key strategies and measures to get there.
- … understand your cashflow. Cash is
The start of the new year is traditionally when we pledge resolutions for the New Year ahead – resolutions around how we are going to do things differently…do things better and often…..change a bad habit from last year.
So in lifting the bar for a better outcome, why not make some positive differences for your business at the same time – by making some New Year Business Pledges.
But where, how, doing what?
Over the past year we have met and worked with many different businesses – small ones, large ones, ones with only a couple of staff and then … Read More
Is my business viable?
This question comes in various forms from concerned business owners – but for me, it’s not so much a case of whether the business is viable – but more of whether the product/service they are selling is viable.
So the better question is really; is my product or service viable?
Running a successful business is all about having a number of business elements all working together to provide a solid outcome or profit. If any of these elements are not correct or are out of alignment, then performance suffers – which is around the time the … Read More
90% of businesses want more sales….. and for the vast majority of these businesses – this is exactly what they need. Many businesses can make a better margin out of their existing sales, but overall a greater level of sales is what is required to allow a meaningful increase to the bottom line.
Effective marketing is the ultimate answer for increased sales opportunity, with many different marketing methods available, BUT….. a critical aspect which is frequently overlooked in the assessment of marketing effectiveness is the time and cost of the activity.
If left unchecked, not only could the … Read More
Murphy’s famous law about what could go wrong is just as applicable in business as for any other part of life – with the key learning being that you always need a Plan B!
The majority of risks in business can be predicted and quantified as part of an assessment of the business and how/where it operates. For most businesses however, stopping to undertake this type of assessment is rare – let alone implementing mitigation plans.
So in the absence of a specific risk analysis of your particular business (which is naturally the best option), this article highlights … Read More
Business owners tolerate a lot, whether it is poor performing staff, process problems, cash flow, IT and the like. In doing this, the level of stress or pressure on the owner (and in many cases – the business) rises in direct proportion.
The two questions I pose are why…….and…..what is the cost?
In general terms, things are tolerated because of either a perceived lack of alternative or an inability to implement change. History shows me that there is always an alternative, albeit it may be painful, costly or difficult – but there is always a choice. The implementation of a … Read More
Pricing… pricing… pricing… it’s all about the getting the price right – so that your price point is not only accepted by the market…. but also delivers sufficient profit to your bottom line.
So what is the right price, who determines this and how is it calculated?
To answer these questions I normally discuss two concepts – “Cost” and “Value”.
Cost – is the cost of delivery of a product or service for sale, so this is your cost of goods sold, your fixed and variable overheads at a product or service item level. It is important to … Read More
“Fail to plan is planning to fail” – Winston Churchill.
Even though this well used line receives universal acceptance in conversation……. few businesses “walk the talk”.
If fact, based on a number of recent business reviews it’s obvious that more planning goes into an overseas holiday, than many business owners put into planning for the success of their business.
Few businesses were actively “not planning”, with the majority either not having the time or seeing it as a low yield activity. This finding did not just apply across business planning, but equally to marketing, employees, sales and cashflow … Read More
At the heart of any successful sales program are a heathy number of leads generated by a well formulated marketing program. Equally, where sales or revenue levels are not hitting the mark – then generally there is no effective marketing plan in place.
Few businesses have the volume of sales or revenue that they want, with a sizeable group hovering below what they actually need to have a sustainable and viable business.
Common within most of these is the absence of a defined marketing strategy, instead having a collection of marketing activities with little or no congruity, measurement or … Read More
Operating a business has its challenges due to the many and varied issues drawing on the owners time – people, product, sales, collections, just to name a few. Thus it’s no wonder that many business owners operate “in” rather than “on” their business – which has its dangers.
Heading the list of dangers is the loss of sight of the “whole of business” picture, because as the business owner, you are too close to just one element. It’s like falling in love with the look of a shiny red sports car because that’s all you see – whereas if … Read More
There are three key strategies available to energise your bottom line, with then an infinite number of tactics which can be used to support them – customised to your business and its current situation.
The three key strategies are;
• Revenue – increase
• Direct costs – control
• Operating costs – reduce
Each of these strategies has relevance for every business, and can be used either in isolation or combined depending on where the business is currently positioned. But, before jumping onto any change program, it is essential to understand where your business is presently at; what is working … Read More
How many times have you been given some news and reacted badly; triggering a sudden or violent reaction, not gaining an understanding or getting the full message?
In finance, most bad news revolves around loans – the words that most clients don’t want to hear from their Banker include;
- No!
- Declined.
- …there’s a problem….
These are of course simple words – nothing more, but we tend to attribute lots of meaning to them and often far more than the actual message intended. Equally the shorter the message, the less context comes with it – so our minds … Read More
You often hear throw away comments such as “Cash is King” and “Cash is the lifeblood of business” – but what do these really mean?
“Cash is literally King” – as it is arguably the most important aspect of the financial health of any business and essentially “rules” over what happens. The other fitting analogy is that “Cash is the lifeblood of business” – as a business without cash will close just surely as a body without blood will die.
When I look at a business, the second statement normally resonates more for me – as an important component of … Read More
With countless finance products in the market – which one should I take? This is an FAQ from most businesses at some point, so this simple shopping list should take some pain out of the process.
To start, it’s not so much a case of which product you should take, it’s more a question of which one do you need and realistically, what is available.
Finance facilities should match the need, otherwise you run the risk of additional cost or inappropriate terms (which normally winds up being even more cost).
Step 1 – what is the need? Short term needs … Read More
Ever noticed that some bill accounts are so complex that it takes a master’s degree to work them out? Put simply…..it’s an illusion to justify a larger cost and/or mask the value that is being charged.
I call the language used in these accounts “bill speak“, so once you understand how to translate it – you will never be fooled again.
Regrettably the world of financial services, telco’s and some utility providers use bill speak to the extreme and appear to compete for the most individual fees for what is fundamentally a single service.
Recently I reviewed a … Read More
Many strategies and decisions are made “in the moment” – considering only todays issues with little thought given to the flow on effects or impacts.
Consider for a moment what this could look like in a practical business context;
Problem: Business is going well with a large volume of short term contracts driving the existing business resources very hard.
Solution: Hire some additional staff to do the excess work – problem solved!
At a high level the problem is solved, as the problem of having too much work for the existing staff has been covered by bringing … Read More
As with most things in life – learn the lessons of those who have gone before you.
Over my years working with businesses and lending money, I have seen a number of simple mistakes that have cost people a lot of money. To save you the cost of these, I have jotted down 5 of the most common mistakes that I have seen, along with simple yet effective suggestions to avoid them.
Mistake # 1 – DID NOT READ the loan contract or terms & conditions.
25 years ago, a home loan contract was 2 pages – these days … Read More
Successful businesses have a strong handle on where they spend their money.
There is no point putting in all of the effort in running a business, finding clients and generating sales if at the end of the day – you have nothing left to show for it. Every dollar you spend must deliver tangible value to you and your business. If it doesn’t, then it makes no sense to pay it.
This is not just about an unsustainable slashing of costs, but a targeted approach to making sure that your “expenses” are working hard.
Broadly expenses will fall into … Read More