Tag Archive for: Security
As we take the run into Christmas, most business are focused on getting things finished so they can wind down for a bit of R ’n‘ R over the Christmas & New Year period. Naturally, those in Retail are still geared up until after the post Christmas sales and Hospitality, will run hard until the holidays finish, but….there is another group who are gearing up for a busy holiday season.
This group, would officially be on the “naughty list”, as this group have only one objective – to rob you.
What’s normally left off the pre-Christmas “to do … Read More
For those who have borrowed money, you would be aware that financiers are always looking for a primary exit (repayment) source – normally via the repayment from business operations AS WELL AS a secondary exit just in case everything turns sour.
Most people get the simple fact that if they default on the loan, the financier will look to seize the security to get their money back, but…. there is a lot more to learn about this.
Firstly, did you know there is more than just property security that can be taken? Most financiers will look for property security whenever … Read More