Tag Archive for: Strategy
Essentially every business is saleable; it’s simply the sale value and terms which vary. The issue faced by many business owners is that the sale value/terms available, are significantly lower than they had hoped for.
So if you are seeking a sale exit from your business – you really have the following options available;
- Sale to the Open Market
- Break up and sale of the components (essentially a liquidation of the business for its raw assets)
- Sale to associated entities / employees
Each of these have merit, but come with different costs and benefits which need to be carefully considered … Read More
To run a business efficiently and profitability takes more than just luck. In addition to having a good service or product, successful businesses typically have a strong management information framework in place to ensure all of the critical elements of the business are running correctly.
I often liken this information to the dashboard instruments in a car – where you have a range of information to let you know how you are travelling and the condition of the car. A good management information pack does the same for a business.
Every business has “key elements” in it … Read More
Business trend analysis is a serious analytical technique used in countless different forms of analysis. Yet for most business owners, finding the time to complete a simple Sudoku puzzle is hard enough – let alone undertake any form of formal business review.
My point – and the point of this article, is that if you do have the time to complete a simple Sudoku puzzle, then you also have the ability to transfer some Sudoku disciplines into a more effective business management process.
Skeptical? – read on for a few minutes and then I’m happy for you to … Read More
In a world where speed appears to be everything, often the compromise that is made is to take the generic or easy option. This has become so common in business, that the generic option is often the only one put forward – whereas there is generally many ways to skin a cat.
Now whilst I have no issue with a simple, cheap option when you can get it – the critical point is ensuring that it’s the right option.
When you are next looking for a solution to a problem or need – pause for a moment to … Read More
Is business change possible? – absolutely unequivocally yes…but it takes action. A great man once said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, then you will always get what you’ve always got” (Henry Ford) – so…..if you don’t like the outcome you’re getting at the moment…..then you have to change something!
It’s at this point that that the problems normally start.
“We have always had the ideas – but getting something to happen has been the problem”
This is the classic catch cry of many in business when confronted with the need to change. Frequently the ideas of … Read More
In all businesses, small or large, actions are often taken in the moment – reacting to a symptom rather than making a fully informed decision based on the cause.
Symptom management is a very frequent occurrence, with the management decisions based at a superficial level to arrest what is the perceived cause which in the bulk of cases is not the true underlying driver.
An example of this was with an electrical contractor who we once met – we will call them ElectroInc.
ElectroInc had been operating for several years with a number of electrical teams on the road … Read More
How many times have heard the immortal catch cry, “I don’t have enough time” and then….the more scary question – how many times have you been the one to utter it?
The lack of time is really the combination of our perception and tolerance. Perception, because busy is how we see our collection of activities – for some, 8 hours of engagements is very busy, yet for others they are wondering what you going to do with the other 2/3rds of the day. For those who immediately thought of “work” when I said “8 hours of engagements” – … Read More
Succession is an inevitable bridge that needs to be crossed for all businesses. For some, the decision is made in a millisecond – whereas for others, it can be an all-consuming dilemma. This article is to help those struggling with this dilemma.
It is important to recognize that succession can be a very difficult and sensitive issue for the business owners to confront. Regardless of whether they founded the business or succeeded into the business themselves – the notion of handing over the reins to someone else can raise all manner of concerns.
Confronting the issue of needing to plan… Read More
Often the objective of most businesses is SALES GROWTH, but it comes at a cost…. so the real question is – how growth ready is your business?
A basic principle of business is to generate sales (product or services) to return a profit. The natural flow on from this is to generate more sales to achieve a greater profit – but…what does this take and how prepared is your business for growth?
Listed below are five key ingredients required for successful sales growth;
Increasing sales invariably requires more of your personnel, whether it be in the creation, … Read More
Whether it be in sport or business, the difference between success and failure can often be simply doing one more thing than the competition. The extra phone call, one more prototype, another sales approach, an additional quality check, a larger focus group, an extra tier of service etc etc…..any of these can be the secret ingredient to business success.
A few qualifiers;
– know your competition as this will provide some form of benchmark. This is not to say that your competition is setting the right pace, but as a minimum it provides a starting point.
– work from … Read More
Many business owners are time poor and simply don’t find the time to read the more comprehensive articles. So if you are looking for a bunch of potent tips for your business – then this short article is for you.
Aptly named the 10 Commandments of Business, these are 10 activities which will add bottom line value to every business.
Thou shalt…
- … plan for the business. This should be aligned to a clear vision of what the business is seeking to achieve, along with its key strategies and measures to get there.
- … understand your cashflow. Cash is
The start of the new year is traditionally when we pledge resolutions for the New Year ahead – resolutions around how we are going to do things differently…do things better and often…..change a bad habit from last year.
So in lifting the bar for a better outcome, why not make some positive differences for your business at the same time – by making some New Year Business Pledges.
But where, how, doing what?
Over the past year we have met and worked with many different businesses – small ones, large ones, ones with only a couple of staff and then … Read More
Is my business viable?
This question comes in various forms from concerned business owners – but for me, it’s not so much a case of whether the business is viable – but more of whether the product/service they are selling is viable.
So the better question is really; is my product or service viable?
Running a successful business is all about having a number of business elements all working together to provide a solid outcome or profit. If any of these elements are not correct or are out of alignment, then performance suffers – which is around the time the … Read More
Murphy’s famous law about what could go wrong is just as applicable in business as for any other part of life – with the key learning being that you always need a Plan B!
The majority of risks in business can be predicted and quantified as part of an assessment of the business and how/where it operates. For most businesses however, stopping to undertake this type of assessment is rare – let alone implementing mitigation plans.
So in the absence of a specific risk analysis of your particular business (which is naturally the best option), this article highlights … Read More
With lots of blood sweat and tears, you have built a business over time which is worth something…. and now you want to sell it.
- Some would say that the hard work has been done, but you can’t take your eye off the game at this crucial time – as it could blow up in your face and cost you a lot.
Selling a business is unfamiliar territory for most business owners, so a couple of poorly timed comments or a lack of preparation could result in a material change to either the sale price, its terms or even … Read More
“Fail to plan is planning to fail” – Winston Churchill.
Even though this well used line receives universal acceptance in conversation……. few businesses “walk the talk”.
If fact, based on a number of recent business reviews it’s obvious that more planning goes into an overseas holiday, than many business owners put into planning for the success of their business.
Few businesses were actively “not planning”, with the majority either not having the time or seeing it as a low yield activity. This finding did not just apply across business planning, but equally to marketing, employees, sales and cashflow … Read More
The sale of a business is typically an emotive situation for the business owner…… and in the majority of cases, something that they are very unfamiliar with. So if you are thinking of selling your business, then consider the following 6 ingredients for a good business sale experience.
Clarity on why you are selling
- This is normally an “ice-breaker” question which comes up in the first few minutes of discussion – so have an answer. Some owners try to be smart and give “the right answer” for why they are selling, but I personally advocate a clean honest response. Be
There are three key strategies available to energise your bottom line, with then an infinite number of tactics which can be used to support them – customised to your business and its current situation.
The three key strategies are;
• Revenue – increase
• Direct costs – control
• Operating costs – reduce
Each of these strategies has relevance for every business, and can be used either in isolation or combined depending on where the business is currently positioned. But, before jumping onto any change program, it is essential to understand where your business is presently at; what is working … Read More
All too often this is the catch cry after a major incident…..a show stopping incident…..a business crippling incident…
But after the dust has settled and the emotion has been removed from the discussion, the real question is “WHY didn’t you see it coming?” Show stopping incidents in business – the ones that have the ability to cripple or kill a business, can be predicted.
These risk events will normally fall into either being a Credit, Market or Operational risk event. A common Credit risk event for small business is a major bad debt, which more often than not will have … Read More
Debt comes in two forms – Good and Bad. Successful businesses understand the difference and actively manage their position.
Over the years I have seen many businesses struggle (and some crumble) under the burden of debt – with the debt load literally hanging over the business like a tree branch waiting to fall in a strong wind. Using a simple test before taking on debt will assist you in avoiding this risk.
But……to start with – not all debt is bad!
In fact, debt can be a great enabler to get a business going, be it for a vital piece … Read More
Many strategies and decisions are made “in the moment” – considering only todays issues with little thought given to the flow on effects or impacts.
Consider for a moment what this could look like in a practical business context;
Problem: Business is going well with a large volume of short term contracts driving the existing business resources very hard.
Solution: Hire some additional staff to do the excess work – problem solved!
At a high level the problem is solved, as the problem of having too much work for the existing staff has been covered by bringing … Read More